
GET products/:searchString/:idGame/:idLanguage/:exact[/:start]

Returns a collection of products theirs name contain a string specified by the search string parameter for the game specified by the game id parameter, and the language specified by the language id parameter. Can be limited so that the products' names must exactly match the search string when the exact parameter is set to true. Returns 206 Partial Content, if the resulting collection contains more than 100 products. A starting product can be specified by the optional start parameter.

Resource Information
Authentication Required
Response Format XML
HTTP Methods GET
Response Object Product
API Version 1.0

Resource URL



searchString Mandatory

searchString is a product's name. It may or may not exactly match

idGame Mandatory

id of a game must be provided and only the products for the specified game are returned.

idGame Mandatory

id of the language the searchString is provided.

exact Mandatory

exact set to true, only products with names are returned that exactly match the specified search string. Nevertheless, when set to true, search string stays case-insensitive.

start Optional

start can be set to set the starting number of the product returned. Only viable when the request without a start parameter returns a 206 Partial Content because the products' count is more than 100.

Example Request