
CRUD Operations

Semantics of Operations on Persistent Objects (Resources)

CRUD is the shortcut of the four basic operations you can perform on a specified resource (persistent storage object):

This is comparable to a database, where the four basic data manipulation operations are SELECT (read), INSERT (create), UPDATE, and DELETE.

HTTP Methods in API Requests

When it comes to API requests, one part of the request is the HTTP method. Basically we allow the following HTTP methods to be performed on a single resource via the API:

Additionally we allow OPTIONS requests on all resources without exceptions. These OPTIONS requests return bodiless responses with a header, showing you which other HTTP methods are allowed on that resource:

Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS

This means you can only perform OPTIONS and GET requests on that resource.

How Everything Comes Together

Now, any of the four HTTP methods have a counterpart from the CRUD operations, as well as database operations. To show you how everything is working together, we take the Wants List example where all four operations are possible:

CRUD Operation HTTP Method Wants List Example Description
READ GET GET /wantslist Returns a collection of wants lists for the authenticated user.
GET /wantslist/1 Returns a single wants list entity for the authenticated user specified by the ID (1) of the wants list.

request body

Creates a new wants list entity for the authenticated user; returns the newly created wants list entity.

Note: POST requests with providing an ID in the URI are not possible, because an ID is automatically assigned to the new entity.

UPDATE PUT PUT /wantslist/1

request body

Updates a single wants list entity for the authenticated user specified by the ID (1) of the wants list; returns the newly created wants list entity.

Note: PUT requests without an ID in the URI are not possible, because you can only perform update operations on a single entity, not the whole collection.

DELETE DELETE DELETE /wantslist/1 Deletes a single wants list entity for the authenticated user specified by the ID (1) of the wants list; returns a bodiless 200 OK HTTP status response.

Note: PUT requests without an ID in the URI are not possible, because we do not allow the deleting your whole wants list collection at once.