User Entity

    user: {
        idUser:                     // user ID
        username:                   // username
        country:                    // country
        isCommercial:               // 0: private user
                                    // 1: commercial user
                                    // 2: powerseller 
        riskGroup:                  // 0: no risk
                                    // 1: low risk
                                    // 2: high risk
        reputation:                 // 0: not enough sells to rate
                                    // 1: outstanding seller
                                    // 2: very good seller
                                    // 3: good seller
                                    // 4: average seller
                                    // 5: bad seller
        shipsFast:                  // 0: normal shipping speed
                                    // 1: ships very fast
                                    // 2: ships fast
        sellCount:                  // number of sales
        onVacation:                 // true|false
        idDisplayLanguage:          // 1: English
                                    // 2: French
                                    // 3: German
                                    // 4: Spanish
                                    // 5: Italian
        name: {                     // enclosed name entity (optional "name")
            firstName:              // first (given) name
            lastName:               // last (family, surname) name
        address: {                  // address entity (optional "address")
            name:                   // receiver
            extra:                  // extra information
            street:                 // street
            zip:                    // zip
            city:                   // city
            country:                // country
        accountBalance:             // current account balance (optional "extra")
        articlesInShoppingCart:     // current articles in user's shopping cart (optional "extras")
        unreadMessages:             // current unread messages (optional "extra")

The shown entity is the full user entity. Some information are stripped from the entity - see the respective requests when not all information is returned. See above entity description for optional "name", optional "address", and optional "extras".

See also: Address Entity

Depending on the request and meaning of the response the user key can also be:

Example Entities

Response from GET (see /account)

    account: {
        idUser: 9999
        username: "Maxi"
        country: "D"
        isCommercial: 1
        riskGroup: 0
        reputation: 1
        shipsFast: 1
        sellCount: 254
        onVacation: false
        idDisplayLanguage: 3
        name: {
            firstName: "Maximilian"
            lastName: "Mustermann"
        address: {
            name: "Maximilian Mustermann"
            extra: "c/o Musterfrau"
            street: "Hauptweg 15"
            zip: "12345"
            city: "Berlin"
            country: "D"
        accountBalance: 9.45
        articlesInShoppingCart: 0
        unreadMessages: 2

Part of a response from GET (see /shoppingcart)

    seller: {
        idUser: 9999
        username: "Maxi"
        country: "D"
        isCommercial: 1
        riskGroup: 0
        reputation: 1
        shipsFast: 1
        sellCount: 254
        onVacation: false
        idDisplayLanguage: 3