Stock Management

Requests grouped to stock management let you retrieve information about the articles you want to sell, as well as put new articles into the stock, remove them from, or edit them.

Resource Allowed HTTP Methods Description
/stock[/:start] GET Returns the Article entities in the authenticated user's stock.

Basically the requests returns the complete stock. By specifying the start parameter, the response can be limited to 100 entities.

POST Adds new articles to the user's stock.
PUT Changes articles in the user's stock.

Attention: This request can't be used to increase or decrease the stock's quantity for specified articles!

DELETE Removes articles from the user's stock.
/stock/shoppingcart-articles GET Returns all articles that are currently in other user's shopping carts.
/stock/article/:idArticle GET Returns a single Article entity in the authenticated user's stock specified by its article ID.
/stock/articles/:name/:idGame GET Searches for and returns Article entities specified by the article's name and game.
/stock/increase and /stock/decrease PUT Changes quantities for articles in authenticated user's stock.