API Documentation >> API 2.0 Main >> Entities >> Account

Account Entity

    account: {
        idUser:                     // user ID
        username:                   // username
        country:                    // country
        isCommercial:               // 0: private user
                                    // 1: commercial user
                                    // 2: powerseller 
        maySell:                    // indicates the state of a user's seller activation
        sellerActivation:           // 0: no seller activation
                                    // 1: seller activation requested, but transfers still pending
                                    // 2: transfers for requests processed
                                    // 3: activated seller
        riskGroup:                  // 0: no risk
                                    // 1: low risk
                                    // 2: high risk
        reputation:                 // 0: not enough sells to rate
                                    // 1: outstanding seller
                                    // 2: very good seller
                                    // 3: good seller
                                    // 4: average seller
                                    // 5: bad seller
        shipsFast:                  // 0: normal shipping speed
                                    // 1: ships very fast
                                    // 2: ships fast
        sellCount:                  // number of sales
        soldItems:                  // total number of sold items
        avgShippingTime:            // average shipping time
        onVacation:                 // true|false
        idDisplayLanguage:          // 1: English
                                    // 2: French
                                    // 3: German
                                    // 4: Spanish
                                    // 5: Italian
        name: {                     // enclosed name entity
            firstName:              // first (given) name
            lastName:               // last (family, surname) name
        homeAddress: {              // address entity
            name:                   // receiver
            extra:                  // extra information
            street:                 // street
            zip:                    // zip
            city:                   // city
            country:                // country
        email:                      // registered email address
        phoneNumber:                // phone number, if applicable
        vat:                        // tax number, if applicable
        registerDate:               // date the user registered
        isActivated:                // flag, if the user's account is activated or not
        moneyDetails: {             // enclosed money details
            totalBalance:           // total money balance
            moneyBalance:           // real money balance
            bonusBalance:           // bonus credit balance
            unpaidAmount:           // total amount of unpaid orders
            providerRechargeAmount: // total amount to be paid using 3rd party payment providers
        bankAccount: {              // bank account details
            accountOwner:           // owner of the bank account
            iban:                   // IBAN
            bic:                    // BIC
            bankName:               // name of the bank
        articlesInShoppingCart:     // current articles in user's shopping cart
        unreadMessages:             // current unread messages
        links: {}                   // HATEOAS links

The shown entity is returned by requests from the Account Management group. Every authenticated user only gets his own information with this entity.

For requests where other user's entities are returned (byer, seller, message partner, etc.), see User entity.

See also:

The country value is returned as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, except for Germany, which is only D (instead of DE).

The idDisplayLanguage is currently only used for the MKM mobile website.

For the links, see HATEOAS Links

Example Entities

    account: {
        idUser: 9999
        username: "Maxi"
        country: "D"
        isCommercial: 1
        maySell: true
        sellerActivation: 3
        riskGroup: 0
        reputation: 1
        shipsFast: 1
        sellCount: 254
        soldItems: 1355
        avgShippingTime: 1
        onVacation: false
        idDisplayLanguage: 3
        name: {
            firstName: "Maximilian"
            lastName: "Mustermann"
        homeAddress: {
            name: "Maximilian Mustermann"
            extra: "c/o Musterfrau"
            street: "Hauptweg 15"
            zip: "12345"
            city: "Berlin"
            country: "D"
        email: "max.mustermann@gmail.de"
        phoneNumber: "+49 30 1234567"
        vat: "1234567890"
        registerDate: "2014-04-10T08:09:02+0200"
        moneyDetails: {
            totalBalance: 75.14
            moneyBalance: 50.15
            bonusBalance: 25
            unpaidAmount: 0
            providerRechargeAmount: 0
        bankAccount: {
            accountOwner: "Max Mustermann"
            iban: "DE97123456789012345678"
            bic: "MSTBDEFF"
            bankName: "Musterbank"
        articlesInShoppingCart: 0
        unreadMessages: 2
        links: {}