API Documentation >> API 2.0 Main >> Entities >> Create Article Response
"inserted": [ { "success": true, //insertion result, can be true or false, see section below for explanation. "idArticle": {} //created Article information ] }
Possible reasons:
"inserted": [ { "success": false, "tried": {} //information for the article that caused the failure. "error": "" //reasons why the article was not created. ex. Playsets are no longer supported, adjust product: 123 ] }
A distinction must be made between soft and hard failures.
The failure cases mentioned above are soft failures meaning that in a request to create multiple articles,
the articles with correct information are created and the ones with incorrect information are reported as failures.
There are also hard failures, meaning that a request will fail completely if any of the following information is not correct:
A hard failure will just return an error message.
{ "error": "" //explanation of what went wrong. ex. Product ID and Language ID must be positive integers }