API Documentation >> API 2.0 Main >> Entities >> Expansion

Expansion Entity

    expansion: {
        idExpansion:                // Expansion's ID
        enName:                     // Expansion's name in English
        localization: {}            // localization entities for the expansion's name
        abbreviation:               // the expansion's abbreviation
        icon:                       // Index of the expansion's icon
        releaseDate:                // the expansion's release date
        isReleased:                 // true|false; a flag if the expansion is released yet
        idGame:                     // the game ID the expansion belongs to
        links: {}                   // HATEOAS links

For the localization entities, see Localizations of Names.

For the links, see HATEOAS Links.

Example Entity

    expansion: {
        idExpansion: 1469
        enName: "Born of the Gods"
        localization: [
                name: "Born of the Gods"
                idLanguage: 1
                languageName: "English"
        abbreviation: "BNG"
        icon: 246
        releaseDate: "2099-02-07T00:00:00+0100"
        isReleased: false
        idGame: 1
        links: {}
    links: {}