API Documentation >> API 2.0 Main >> Entities >> Product

Product Entity

    product: {
        idProduct:                  // Product ID
        idMetaproduct:              // Metaproduct ID
        countReprints:              // Number of total products bundled by the metaproduct
        enName:                     // Product's English name
        localization: {}            // localization entities for the product's name
        website:                    // URL to the product (relative to MKM's base URL)
        image:                      // Path to the product's image. Url is only valid for 1hr
        gameName:                   // the game's name
        categoryName:               // the category's name
        number:                     // Number of product within the expansion (where applicable)
        rarity:                     // Rarity of product (where applicable)
        expansionName:              // Expansion's name 
        links: {}                   // HATEOAS links
        /* The following information is only returned for responses that return the detailed product entity */
        expansion: {                // detailed expansion information (where applicable)
        priceGuide: {               // Price guide entity '''(ATTN: not returned for expansion requests)'''
            SELL:                   // Average price of articles ever sold of this product
            LOW:                    // Current lowest non-foil price (all conditions)
            LOWEX+:                 // Current lowest non-foil price (condition EX and better)
            LOWFOIL:                // Current lowest foil price
            AVG:                    // Current average non-foil price of all available articles of this product
            TREND:                  // Current trend price
            TRENDFOIL:              // Current foil trend price
        reprint: [                  // Reprint entities for each similar product bundled by the metaproduct

For the localization entities, see Localizations of Names.

For the links, see HATEOAS Links.

The price guide entity not always gives values for all guides.

Example Entities

Product entity without details

    product: {
        idProduct: 265882
        idMetaproduct: 209344
        countReprints: 1
        enName: "Shrike Harpy"
        localization: [
                idLanguage: 1
                languageName: "English"
                productName: "Shrike Harpy"
                idLanguage: 2
                languageName: "French"
                productName: "Harpie grièche"
        website: "/Products/Singles/Born+of+the+Gods/Shrike+Harpy"
        image: "./img/cards/Born_of_the_Gods/shrike_harpy.jpg"
        gameName: "Magic the Gathering"
        categoryName: "Magic Single"
        number: "83"
        rarity: "Uncommon"
        expansionName: "Born of the Gods"
        links: {}

Product entity with details

    product: {
        idProduct: 265535
        idMetaproduct: 9372
        countReprints: 2
        enName: "Springleaf Drum"
        localization: [
                idLanguage: 1
                languageName: "English"
                productName: "Springleaf Drum"
                idLanguage: 2
                languageName: "French"
                productName: "Tambour de sautefeuille"
        website: "/Products/Singles/Born+of+the+Gods/Springleaf+Drum"
        image: "./img/cards/Born_of_the_Gods/springleaf_drum.jpg"
        gameName: "Magic the Gathering"
        categoryName: "Magic Single"
        number: "162"
        rarity: "Uncommon"
        expansion: {
            idExpansion: 1469
            enName: "Born of the Gods"
            expansionIcon: 246
        priceGuide: {
            SELL: 0.29
            LOW: 0.02
            LOWEX: 0
            LOWFOIL: 0.02
            AVG: 0.44
            TREND: 0.28
            TRENDFOIL: 4.00
        reprint: [
                idProduct: 18002
                expansion: "Lorwyn"
                expansionIcon: 81
        links: {}