API Documentation >> API 2.0 Main >> Entities >> StockExport

StockExport Entity

    stockRequest: {
        idRequest:                          // Request ID
        idUser:                             // User ID
        status:                             // Request Status
        startedAt:                          // Date and Time of the request
        finishedAt:                         // Date and Time of the file being finished
        type:                               // "Stock Export"
        resourceId:                         // file name
        url:                                // presigned URL to download the export

Possible statuses are:

Example Entities

    stockRequest: {
        idRequest: 2910
        idUser: 9999
        status: "finished"
        startedAt: "2023-06-21 11:35:34"
        finishedAt: "2023-06-21 11:38:45"
        type: "Stock Export"
        resourceId: "" // No example
        URL: "" // No example