API Documentation >> API 2.0 Main >> Entities >> WantsListItem

WantsListItem Entity

    idWant:             // wantslistItem ID
    count:              // number of copies wanted
    wishPrice:          // maximum price of a single copy    
    fromPrice:          // the current lowest price for the card matching the desired specifications
    mailAlert:          // true|false - flag, if a mail is sent to the user, when a matching article is found
    type: "product"
    idProduct:          // product ID
    product: {}         // product entity    
    idLanguage: []      // list of languages for the want
    minCondition:       // minimum condition of the want    
    isFoil:             // true|false|null - flag, if the want should be foil or not, null if doesn't matter
    isSigned:           // true|false|null - flag, if the want should be signed or not, null if doesn't matter
    isAltered:          // true|false|null - flag, if the want should be altered or not, null if doesn't matter
    isFirstEd:          // true|false|null - flag, if the want should be first edition or not, null if doesn't matter
    idWant:             // wantslistItem ID
    count:              // number of copies wanted
    wishPrice:          // maximum price of a single copy    
    fromPrice:          // the current lowest price for the card matching the desired specifications
    mailAlert:          // true|false - flag, if a mail is sent to the user, when a matching article is found
    type: "metaproduct"
    idMetaproduct:      // metaproduct ID
    metaproduct: {}     // metaproduct entity    
    idLanguage: []      // list of languages for the want
    minCondition:       // minimum condition of the want    
    isFoil:             // true|false|null - flag, if the want should be foil or not, null if doesn't matter
    isSigned:           // true|false|null - flag, if the want should be signed or not, null if doesn't matter
    isAltered:          // true|false|null - flag, if the want should be altered or not, null if doesn't matter
    isFirstEd:          // true|false|null - flag, if the want should be first edition or not, null if doesn't matter

The following keys are only returned for certain product types:

Example Entities
