API Documentation >> API 2.0 Main >> Marketplace Information >> Find Metaproducts


Find Metaproducts

Allowed HTTP Methods

Resource Information


Example Request

1. Search for a metaproduct with the exact name "Tarmogoyf". As no game and language IDs are provided, the search term is provided in English and Magic is the game the metacard is searched for:

GET https://api.cardmarket.com/ws/v2.0/metaproducts/find?search=Tarmogoyf

2. Search for a metaproduct with "Schwarzes" in it's name, given in German and searched for Yugioh:

GET https://api.cardmarket.com/ws/v2.0/metaproducts/find?search=Schwarzes%20Loch&exact=false&idGame=3&idLanguage=3

3. Search for metaproducts with the exact name "Lightning Bolt" and "Spore Frog" and only return the latest product.

GET https://api.cardmarket.com/ws/v2.0/metaproducts/find?search=Lightning%20Bolt&search=Spore%20Frog&onlyLatestProduct=true