API Documentation >> API 2.0 Main >> Shopping Cart Manipulation

Shopping Cart Manipulation

Requests grouped to order management let you retrieve information about your orders, both where you're buyer or seller, as well as change their states (mark them as sent, received, etc.):

Resource Allowed HTTP Methods Ded Wid 3rd Description
Shopping Cart GET X - X Returns the Shopping Cart entity for the authenticated user.
PUT X - X Adds or removes article(s) to or from the authenticated user's shopping cart.
DELETE X - X Empties the authenticated user's shopping cart.
Checkout PUT X - X Checks out the authenticated user's shopping cart and creates the respective orders. The most orders possible will be paid from the user's account balance.
Shipping Address PUT X - X Changes the authenticated user's shipping address for all reservations in the shopping cart. This address becomes active and will be attached to the created orders after the checkout.
Shipping Method GET X - X Returns the all possible Shipping Method entities for the specified reservation within the authenticated user's shopping cart.
PUT X - X Changes the shipping method of a specified reservation in the authenticated user's shopping cart.