
Cardmarket REST API Documentation (Version 1.0.6)

Access the API and Authentication

The REST API for Cardmarket can be accessed via the following URL:

You need to provide two URI parameters for authorization:

You need a normal Cardmarket account and find both credentials at you profile page when logged in at Cardmarket.

Types of Resources / Entities

Cardmarket API is basically parted into five different sections as shown below:

The description of the entities:

Request Overview

==== Games ====
Resource Description
GET /games Returns a collection of all games that are supported by Cardmarket.
==== Metaproducts ====
Resource Description
GET /metaproduct/:idMetaproduct Returns detailed information about a single metaproduct specified by the idMetaproduct parameter.
Resource Description
GET /metaproduct/:name/:idGame/:idLanguage Returns detailed information about a single metaproduct specified by its exact name, as well as the game, and language parameters the name is provided in.
==== Products ====
Resource Description
GET /product/:idProduct Returns detailed information about a single product specified by the idProduct parameter.
Resource Description
GET /products/:name/:idGame/:idLanguage/:exact[/:start] Returns a collection of products theirs name contain a string specified by the name parameter for the game specified by the idGame parameter, and the idLanguage parameter, the name is provided in. Can be limited so that the products' names must exactly match the search string when the exact parameter is set to true. Returns 206 Partial Content, if the resulting collection contains more than 100 products. A starting product can be specified by the optional start parameter.
==== Articles ====
Resource Description
GET /articles/:idProduct[/:start] Returns a collection of articles specified by the idProduct parameter. Returns 206 Partial Content, if the resulting collection contains more than 100 articles. A starting article can be specified by the optional start parameter.
==== Users ====
Resource Description
GET /user/:idUser Returns detailed information about a single user specified by the idUser parameter.
==== Orders ====
Resource Description
GET /orders/:actor/:state[:/start] Returns a collection of orders specified by the actor parameter (buyer or seller) and the state parameter (bought, paid, sent, received, lost, cancelled). Only orders for the authenticated user are returned. Returns 206 Partial Content, if the resulting collection contains more than 100 orders. A starting product can be specified by the optional start parameter.
GET /order/:idOrder Returns detailed information about a single order specified by the idOrder parameter. An order is only returned, when the authenticated user is buyer or seller of that order.
PUT /order/:idOrder Changes the status of a single order specified by the idOrder parameter. Actions that can be taken via the API are:
  • mark as sent
  • mark as received
  • cancel an order
  • request order cancellation
  • accept a requested order cancellation

Returns the new representation of the specified order. The status of the order can only be changed, when the authenticated user is buyer (mark as received, cancel paid order, request cancellation) or seller (mark as sent, cancel unpaid order, request cancellation). The action of accepting a cancellation request can only be performed, when the other actor requested the cancellation before.

==== Shopping Cart ====
Resource Description
GET /shoppingcart Returns all details about the shopping cart for the authenticated user.
PUT /shoppingcart Add or remove an article to resp. from the shopping cart. Add resp. remove is specified by the data. More articles can be added or removed with one request. Returns the current representation of the shopping cart.
GET /shoppingcart/checkout Checks out the shopping cart of the authenticated user and creates orders. Returns the created orders.
DELETE /shoppingcart Completely empties the shopping cart of the authenticated user.
==== Stock Management ====
Resource Description
GET /stock[/:start] Returns a collection of articles in the authenticated user's stock that are available on Cardmarket. Returns 206 Partial Content, if the resulting collection contains more than 100 articles. A starting article can be specified by the optional start parameter.
GET /stock/article/:idArticle Returns a a single article specified by its idArticle. Only returns an entity, when the specified article is in user's stock and available.
POST /stock Adds an article to the authenticated user's stock.
PUT /stock Changes an article in the authenticated user's stock.
PUT /stock/article/:idArticle/increase/:amount Increases the amount of a single article in stock specified by its idArticle by the specified amount.
PUT /stock/article/:idArticle/decrease/:amount Decreases the amount of a single article in stock specified by its idArticle by the specified amount.
DELETE /stock Deletes an article from the authenticated user's stock.
==== WantsList ====
Resource Description
GET /wantslists Returns a collection of all wants lists of the authenticated user.
GET /wantslist/:idWantslist Returns detailed information of a single wants list specified by the idWantslist parameter.
POST /wantslist Creates a new wants list for for the authenticated user.
PUT /wantslist/:idWantslist Adds, edits, or removes item(s) to/on/from a wants list specified by its idWantslist parameter.
DELETE /wantslist/:idWantslist Deletes a wants list specified by its idWantslist.

Important notes on "206 - Partial Content" responses