Order Entity

    order: {
        idOrder:                                // Order ID
        isBuyer:                                // true, if you're the buyer
        seller: {}                              // Seller's User entity with optional "name" and "address"
        buyer: {}                               // Buyer's User entity with optional "name" and "address"
        state: {
            state:                              // State of the order
            dateBought:                         // Date the order was bought
            datePaid:                           // Date the order was paid, if applicable
            dateSent:                           // Date the order was sent by the seller, if applicable
            dateReceived:                       // Date the order was received by the buyer, if applicable
            dateCanceled:                       // Date the order was canceled, if applicable
            reason:                             // Cancellation reason, if applicable
            wasMergedInto:                      // Order ID of the new order, this order was merged into, if applicable
        shippingMethod: {
            idShippingMethod:                   // Shipping Method ID
            name:                               // Shipping Method's name
            price:                              // Postage
            isLetter:                           // true, if letter; false, if parcel
            isInsured:                          // true, if tracked; false otherwise
        isPresale:                              // indicates if this order is presale (can be only true, when state is "bought" or "paid"
        shippingAddress: {}                     // Address entity for shipping address (is empty when "isPresale" is "true")
        articleCount:                           // Quantity of articles the order contains
        evaluation: {}                          // Evaluation entity, if applicable
        article: [                              // Array of Article entities the order contains
        articleValue:                           // Article value
        serviceFeeValue:                        // Service fee value, if applicable
        totalValue:                             // Total value

The shown entity is the full order entity. Some information are returned only when the order is in a particular state. A freshly bought order will not return dates that are applicable (dateBought), it also won't return the evaluation entity. serviceFeeValue will only be returned, if charged.

See also: User Entity, Address Entity, Article Entity, Evaluation Entity

Possible <state> values (and dates returned):

Example Entities

    order: {
        idOrder: 2844597
        isBuyer: false
        seller: {
            idUser: 9999
            username: "Maxi"
            country: "D"
            isCommercial: 1
            riskGroup: 0
            reputation: 1
            shipsFast: 1
            sellCount: 254
            onVacation: false
            idDisplayLanguage: 3
            name: {
                firstName: "Maximilian"
                lastName: "Mustermann"
            address: {
                name: "Maximilian Mustermann"
                extra: "c/o Musterfrau"
                street: "Hauptweg 15"
                zip: "12345"
                city: "Berlin"
                country: "D"
        buyer: {
            idUser: 9998
            username: "Mini"
            country: "IT"
            isCommercial: 0
            riskGroup: 0
            reputation: 0
            shipsFast: 0
            sellCount: 0
            onVacation: false
            idDisplayLanguage: 5
            name: {
                firstName: "Mario"
                lastName: "Rossi"
            address: {
                name: "Mario Rossi"
                extra: ""
                street: "46 de Gasperi"
                zip: "10000"
                city: "Roma"
                country: "IT"
        state: {
            state: "evaluated"
            dateBought: "2013-11-13T23:47:24+0100"
            datePaid: "2013-11-13T23:47:24+0100"
            dateSent: "2013-11-21T12:03:42+0100"
            dateReceived: "2013-11-26T14:22:30+0100"
        shippingMethod: {
            idShippingMethod: 20
            name: "Standardbrief International"
            price: 1
            isLetter: false
            isInsured: false
        isPresale: false
        shippingAddress: {
            name: "Mario Rossi"
            extra: ""
            street: "46 de Gasperi"
            zip: "10000"
            city: "Roma"
            country: "IT"
        articleCount: 2
        evaluation: {
            evaluationGrade: 1
            itemDescription: 4
            packaging: 1
            speed: 1
            comment: "not foil, but alternate art and wrong edition"
            complaint: [
        article: [{
            idArticle: 122973759
            idProduct: 258590
            language: {
                idLanguage: 1
                languageName: "English"
            comments: ""
            price: 4.9
            count: 2
            product: {
                name: "Despair of Winter"
                image: ".\/img\/items\/3\/War_of_the_Ancients\/despair_of_winter.jpg"
                expansion: "War of the Ancients"
                expIcon: 204
                rarity: "Rare"
            condition: "NM"
            isFoil: true
            isSigned: false
            isPlayset: false
        articleValue: 9.8
        totalValue: 10.8